Art Classes Instructed by Luby

AW110 - Van Gogh Within Me

Dunedin Fine Art Center

1143 Michigan Blvd., Dunedin, FL

Anger, joy, sadness, and fear are strong emotions that put us in a specific state of mind. Each emotion creates feelings that need to be expressed or sometimes suppressed. Using the work of Van Gogh as an example, students use their personal experience to channel a specific emotion into a painting that will help them develop a better understanding of themselves through the process of creating a painting.

Levels: All Levels

Location: Dunedin Fine Art Center – 1143 Michigan Blvd., Dunedin FL

Member Tuition: $125.00
Non-Member: $145.00

02/28/24 – 04/03/24

Instructor: Luby Haider

Wednesday [1:00 pm – 3:00pm]

PT600 – Two Shapes and Three Colors Make A Painting

Dunedin Fine Art Center

1143 Michigan Blvd., Dunedin, FL

Color expresses emotion and shapes convey movement or rest. While studying abstract expressionism, students choose to make a painting within the limit of using only two shapes and three colors. Students will use color and shape as a tool to create and express moods. Learn the difference between positive and negative space and how to use it in composing a painting. How to direct the eye of the viewer through focal points and movement.This class serves as a mental exercise to understand how art questions perception through a new way of looking at things.

Levels: All Levels

Location: Dunedin Fine Art Center – 1143 Michigan Blvd., Dunedin FL

Member Tuition: $210.00
Non-Member: $185.00

02/29/24 – 04/04/24

Instructor: Luby Haider

Thursday [10:00 am – 1:00pm]
